Hear From Our Happy Students
“Congratulations XIOHOO for the good effort in helping the Seniors to move forward in the digital world👏🏆”
“I really like XIOHOO, all of you are so nice, helpful and friendly. It is so great to learn in a very cheerful environment and to know you. The course material is simple and easily understood.”
“Good education center for seniors”
“Thanks for the class. XIOHOO trainer James Lok is patient and attentive teacher. It is clear and applicable use friendly for zoom class.”
“Very conducive learning environment. Adrain Teo is a very engaging and knowledgeable teacher. It was a fruitful session!”
“I have attended the fortnightly classes on the use of smart phones conducted by XIOHOO for about a year and found them extremely useful and practical. The instructors are very helpful and patient in disseminating their knowledge to us and in responding to our many queries. Through them, we have learnt much such as on the use of Facebook, Google photo, Google translate, photo taking etc. We are very grateful to them for conducting these courses, which have very practical applications in our everyday life. Thank you.”
“Yes I attended a few classes with Xiohoo. Learned some useful skills and enhanced my understanding. I like the courses offered as the price are affordable and able to use skill future credits. Timing not too long. Is Great as I can’t sit too long in class.Will attend more of the classes. Highly recommended.”
“Testimonial for trainer James Lok & Xiohoo staff.I have taken a few digital courses at Xiohoo,each time the trainer is James Lok.I enjoyed his class as James is friendly ,patience,helpful,attentive & his teaching pace is just right,I was able to follow his info.The other supportive staff are also friendly , helpful,attentive & approachable. The Xiohoo environment is nice,cosy & relaxing with beverages & tea snacks available.I often forward Xiohoo monthly programs of courses to my what's app chat gp,highly recommends my friends to attends Xiohoo courses for enrichment & it is Skillsfuture claimable.Keep it up,Xiohoo.Well done!Thank you Xiohoo.😊👍👏”
“XIOHOO 很棒!👍”
“XIOHOO has a team of dedicated and caring teachers who take good care of us, especially the elderly ones. They are very patient and thoughtful, using relevant teaching method to cater to our needs . They even allow us to practice on small projects without supervision immediately after lesson, so that we can understand better. The teachers are always available to help us when we don't understand or forget our lesson. That is what XIOHOO mean to us. Therefore, I support XIOHOO fully!”
“Friendly trainers and located in easily accessible location. Has large standing banner in front of the classroom which makes it easy to spot.”
“Very Cosy & beautiful environment of Xiohoo place. Especially, trainer Allan Tay taught us many flexibility way to surf Ours hp”
“Relaxed n cosy environment for learning. Instructor is excellent and friendly. ”
“I have attended several classes at Xiohoo. The instructors there are very knowledgeable, professional & helpful. For any class attended learn lots from it. Highly recommended”
“我对智能手机一窍不通,是懂非懂。自从去 Xiohoo上了几次智能手机课程后,对手机开始产生了兴趣,有如刘姥姥进入多姿多彩的手机世界,现在可说对手机爱不释手。一有空就会利用手机和朋友聊天, 把拍下来的照片和家人和朋友分享。同时也在脸书交了不少的朋友,学习到许多新知识。让我的生活增添了无穷的色彩、无穷的乐趣、无穷的快乐. 这就要归功于 XIOHOO, 对于XIOHOO 的导师 Allan Tay和他的助教们的 谆谆善诱,在课堂上层次分明的教导 ,让我们很容易的理解,对手机的应用程序一清二楚。课余时,如果在应用手机上有问题,我都从去请教他们。他们都会一一的解答,让我对手机更深一层的了解。 再此对于 XIOHOO 老师们无私的教导,在此深表感谢、感恩。 希望XIOHOO, 百尺竿头、更进一步。让新加坡人受益,让我们这些建国一代、立国一代,学习到高端的科技。 非常感谢、非常的感恩。”
“Very conducive environment. Teacher James lok is very knowledgeable n patient. I have learnt video editing cloud storage goggle photo Navigating around singapre Online carosell selling so far.”
“Chinese Inputs is fun to learn.”
“Thank you Xiohoo for your classes! Very good!”
“I would like to seriously compliment and give my thumbs up to Xiohoo and its dedicated patient team.I had attended most of their classes and always ended up a very happy student.My most recent was using my Smartphone to master Collage video editing and many had commented that I am a master now.Without the care , patience and heing able to undersrand our learning curves, I do not believe that I would have go e this far.Those who are still hesitating, look no further..Xiohoo is the best.I recommended my cousins and aunty and they are now addicted to attending Xiohoo's classes.Thank you so much Xiohoo.”
“Today I attended Chinese Inputs class. Trainer is James Lok. The session is very enlightening. We had great fun learning.”
“XioHoo trainers are very friendly & patience with seniors. Location is convenient for me & conductive for training”
“Have learn a lot of translations and enjoy the teaching from trainer James Lok”
“Interesting and informative course”
“XIOHOO's teachers are bilingual. They are very patient towards seniors' questions n queries. With their personal experience illustration n expertise, they help seniors use APPs more comfortable. Their power point also well designed n illustrated clearly. They conduct the class lively n full of laughter. With their passion, they have created XIOHOO platform 7/24 to help students after class to post their doubts or problems. Besides, they also encourages students to do home work n share the achievements. With their motivation, students learn better and learn more!”
“I like Xiohoo courses. Very useful and practical. Thank you Adrian (boss) and James Lok (trainer)”
“I have attended several classes held by XIOHOO to learn useful tech skills. The tutors are very knowledgeable in the subjects they taught and very patient especially to seniors like us who needed more time to absorb the knowledge. I am especially grateful to Adrian who had helped me in ActiveSG account and Allan who helped me when I changed a new handphone to export the saved phone Nos. over.I would recommend anyone who wants to learn useful tech skill to register with XIOHOO. Thank you.”